Complete protection from life threatening atmospheres and the highest respiratory protection factor available.
The Ocenco M-20.2 EEBD is a closed-circuit compressed oxygen delivering system. This breathing apparatus activates automatically when it is removed from the clear case. The demand regulator gives the user the ability to inhale immediately when donned, and can provide up to 100 liters of oxygen flow during high work rates.
Maintenance free for 15 years. The sealed watertight case protects against harsh marine conditions. Contact us for a quote today!
The Ocenco M-40 is a belt worn or stored, compressed-oxygen, Self-Contained Self-Rescuer (SCSR). The M-40 instantly provides breathable air, independent of the surrounding atmosphere, to a person escaping from any area of toxic gas or oxygen deficiency. The starting of the oxygen flow, the increased flow rate during high work rates, and the occasional venting of gas through the relief valve, all occur automatically.